Inspirational Quotes To Validate Those With Fibromyalgia

Inspirational Quotes To Validate Those With Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue.


These memes that promote fibro awareness and support for Chronic pain and chronic fatigue are just some of the countless memes on that subject located on a FaceBook group called FibroChampionsBlog at


These memes are designed to validate those who suffer from the chronic nature of fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and any other chronic illnesses the have pain or fatigue as a major symptom.















FibroChampions means anyone with chronic fatigue, chronic pain or any other chronic illness where chronic fatigue or pain is part of the symptomology. NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!







Top Five Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

Top Five Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

Over the past week I sent out several requests for fibro patients to list the five worst symptoms they have with fibromyalgia. After tabulating them here are the results. There is a list of seventeen symptoms. The first ten are not surprising. The top five are, to me a little surprising. I do have vision related symptoms but I was surprised that it was mentioned as much as it was and that it was bad enough to be in the top five.

I am a little surprised the sensitivities weren’t a little higher and I am really surprised migraines wasn’t a lot higher and that there was only one complaint of migraines and no complaints of headaches.

Take a look at these symptoms and see how they compare with your top five symptoms. Feel free to tell me what your top five fibro symptoms are.

5 tops fibro syptoms

1 Pain – 17

2 Fog – 12

3 Fatigue – 10

4 Sleep Issues – 7

5 Vision Issues – 5

6 Stiffness – 4

7 IBS – 3

8 Flu like symptoms – 2

9 Noise Sensitivity – 2

10 UV Light Sensitivity – 2

11 Clumsy – 2

12 Light Sensitivity

13 Migraines

14 Neuropathy

15 Muscle cramps/spasms

16 Nausea

17 Ringing in ears

The 5 Most Popular Posts Of The Last Two Weeks At Fibro Champions Blog

The 5 Most Popular Posts Of The Last Two Weeks At Fibro Champions Blog


38 Tips To Make Traveling With Fibromyalgia Easier

Coping With Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue – The 10 C’s

10 Things We Would Like Our Pain-free Friends to Know About Us

Not All Fibromyalgia Symptoms Are Fibromyalgia Symptoms

7 Fibromyalgia Awareness Free Graphics Or Memes

A Day In The Life Of Fibromyalgia – An Illness of Contradiction

A Day In The Life Of Fibromyalgia – An Illness of Contradiction

Typically the stormy weather, especially thick overhead clouds, rain storms and snow storms make me hurt two or three times as bad as my normal fibro pain. Good weather days are the best for my chronic pain.

One of the most unique things I’ve learned about fibromyalgia is that it is not only an illness of chronic pain, chronic fatigue, fibro fog, insomnia and muscle spasms, but it is an illness of contradiction. Just when you think you have things figured out, in my case I thought that after thirty-one years I was getting it figured out, something is different, aspects of the disease are contradictory.

Take for instance this past week. Sunday I was able to teach my Sunday School Class but was in my recliner for the rest of the day. That, in and of itself, isn’t so strange but then the next day I wake up to a welcome but unexpected major rain storm. In Utah we are having a drought and needed the heavy rain. I was able to go to the gym and walk the treadmill at a blinding fast and steady speed of two miles an hour. That is not usual.


Because I exercised on a stormy day I thought I would be massively sore and racked with mind numbing pain the next day confined to my recliner throughout the whole day.

Come Tuesday, I wasn’t in the recliner the whole day. I lead a fibro active day. I was able to help my wife put away laundry. Not for long because of feet and back pain, but the fact I was able to help at all was a miracle from the normal routine. Hence another contradiction. I spent the part of the day being incredibly stiff and typically sore and in fibro chronic pain. Later that day I was able to clean a portion of my den on the same day as laundry. I didn’t overdue anything on Tuesday.

Now today, Wednesday, I am bedridden. In my case bed ridden means being a prisoner of my recliner. Today is a warm day with partly sunny skies. Nothing normal about this week so far and thus from the fibro contradictions, it has been a very normal week.

Troy Wagstaff ©

Six Good Things About Fibromyalgia

Six Good Things About Fibromyalgia

Is it even possible to have something good come from the pain and suffering of chronic pain, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia? I think so. Here is a legitimate list of things I can think about the are possible to learn from suffering from fibromyalgia.  Can you think or more to add to the list? If so, what are they?


1. Learn about who you really are.

2. A renewed or deepened relationship with God.

3. Learn more about empathy.

4. Learn or increase your ability to be grateful or show gratitude.

5. Understanding you internal capacity for pain and tribulation

6. Learn about your external capacity to bare pain.

How Fibromyalgia Affects My Daily Life – Star Gazing

How Fibromyalgia Affects My Daily Life – Star Gazing

There are so many symptoms of fibromyalgia that is seems impossible, during an episode of poor health, to fully figure out what triggered the episode. When it’s all said and done, sometimes fibromyalgia is like riding a roller coaster, there are up and downs, twists and turns, and in the end you don’t know why you’re having an episode except that you have fibromyalgia. I’m calling them episodes rather than flare ups because we refer to a flare up as a short term increase in pain. The issues I am talking about are just about everything but pain.

Case in point.

day_in_the_life_fibro_star_partyI went with my litter buddy, who is truly an astronomy buff and he’s not quite five years old, to a Star Party last night hosted by the Salt Lake Astronomical Society in Stansbury Park at the Observatory near the Great Salt Lake.

His mom and baby sister came along, as did my oldest daughter and her date. There were more than twenty telescopes trained on Jupiter and Saturn but not Venus. We meandered around the park looking at these planets and the rings and moons around these planets through many different telescopes. One kind telescope owner aimed his telescope so I could see Venus. It wasn’t spectacular, but at least I got to see it.

I noticed that as I looked through each eye piece of every telescope that my eye would physically hurt. Not the kind of hurt when you read too much or are on the computer too much. It was like muscles behind my eyes were getting sore.

This in turn made be dizzy and nauseated. To be fair, I was dizzy and nauseated on the hour long drive getting to the park, but between the crowd and the focusing on the eyepieces of the telescopes my symptoms got worse.

I was leery about the crowd, but because it was in a big park with a lot of space and open air, I was hopeful the crowd would not be over stimulating. I was wrong. The optic nerve muscles surprised me. It was clear that I was over stimulated and I was sick because of it.

After I got home, I was hoping a good night’s rest would solve everything. Nope. I woke up several times in the first three or four hours after finally getting to bed. Finally, I was able to relax enough to get four or five consistent hours of sleep. I’ve been sick all day today and in a lot of pain. My neck is seizing up and causing tension headaches. My tens machine wires are broken so I can use that to help. The pain MEDs and muscle relaxers help but not completely.

Just another example of how fibromyalgia affects my daily life. Sigh.

Troy Wagstaff

RIP – 9 Things I Miss About My Old Fibro Free Life

RIP – Mourning The Loss Of Your Pre-Fibro Life

I lost a dear friend. It’s been eleven years now, but I still miss him. He was married with three girls. He enjoyed being active with his wife and children. He would take them swimming and fishing. They played in the snow together.

He was very active. He liked to run and ski. He was an avid gardener. He enjoyed skeet shooting and target shooting. He was a hard worker. He started his own business and worked 18 hours a day to get it up and running. It was quite successful until near the end.

His life was taken from him, at least the life he knew was taken from him by fibromyalgia. It’s been eleven years now and his life will never again be the same. He is still a fond memory, but I miss him every day. But now I live and battle and strive to exist and to be meaningful in spite of fibromyalgia. I still have hope for a new life with fibromyalgia.

Nine specific things my old self didn’t have to worry about, which is nine things I miss about my old fibro free life.

rip_hope1. No chronic pain

2. Appropriate energy

3. Sufficient strength

4. Ability to be spontaneous

5. Ability to work

6. Lack of sleep problems

7. The ability to remember everything I normally could

8. Participate in hobbies the fibro took away.

9. Participate in everything else the fibro took away.

But until I get back to my old self, yes, I hold out hope that I will be fibro free and back to my old self, either in this life or in the next life, I will be fibro free.

A Day In The Life Of My Fibro Journey: Memorial Day 2015

A Day In The Life Of My Fibro Journey: Memorial Day 2015

Just when I think I know my limits, something happens that tells me I still have untapped limits due to my chronic pain and symptom’s courtesy of fibromyalgia.

Yesterday was Memorial Day. My wife (Colette) had planned a family outing where we would go to a couple of cemeteries and visit the graves of her Dad and grandparents in the Provo City cemetery and visit the graves of my parents in the Orem City cemetery.

The kids were interested and so we went. We started in Orem and visited my parent’s grave. My Dad was a WWII medic who served in North Africa and France. He is buried in the veteran’s section. When we buried my Mother, we buried her on top so they shared the same burial plot. The cemetery had a Veterans field set up with a white cross for each veteran buried at the cemetery. Each cross had the veterans name on it and a flag on top of the cross. We walked on grass over to the field and got our pictures taken by my Dad’s white cross. It was nice to see him honored for his service to his country during World War II.

a day in the life of fibromyalgia

a day in the life of fibromyalgia

Off we went to the Provo City cemetery. We were able to park close to Colette’s fathers grave which happens to be next to her grandparents graves. We had just enough rose buds on our single rose bush for each grave marker of my parents, her grandparents and her Dad. We laid a single rose on each headstone and took pictures. Everything is a photo opportunity now days with smart phones and Facebook.

I noticed some intriguing names on headstones in the area so as we all stood around talking and walking. I took down some interesting names to add to a writers list I have for first names, both male and female and surnames. There was not a lot of walking on grass, just strolling around close by.

My wife suggested we try to find my grandparents headstones at the same cemetery so we drove around the very large cemetery to the “find a name” kiosk. I got just enough information to put us in the right area. We all got out and searched row by row until my daughter found my grandparents head stones. In all, it was a nice outing as we told stories of our parents and grandparents.

We were having a good time, so much so that we went over our time budget and needed to rush home for our barbeque. After that delightful meal we played a game called Catch Phrase. Each kid had a friend or two over to eat and we had two teams for the game. It got really loud. I have a loud family. Add the additional people and it was football game loud. After a while the noise was too much and my head felt like it might explode. I told my wife I was going upstairs to my study to get away from the noise. That was a reminder of a limitation I already knew I had.

The next day, or perhaps I should say early in the morning or in the middle of the night I woke up from a dull, pulsing pressure from the core of my body pushing out. My knees, hips and lumbar region were searing with pain. I had to take another pain pill. Thankfully I was able to go back to sleep. When I woke up several hours later, I was incredibly stiff and sore and still in pain. I have been in pain all day. The Tens machine helped my back a lot but my hips and knees are still sore and virtually every join is stiff. Today, I am walking in a hunched over position. Ironically, I had my monthly appointment with my pain clinic today as well. Yesterday was fun, full and exciting to have a traditional family outing but walking on lumpy grass and all the standing took its toll on me and I am paying for it today.

I am, as always, irritated at the pain but the memories of the fun day yesterday puts the suffering of today in some perspective.

Troy Wagstaff ©

Who Is The Boss? You Or Fibromyalgia?

Who Is The Boss? You Or Fibromyalgia?

If I asked the question “who is boss? You or Fibromyalgia” to the general public, who is the boss between you and fibromyalgia? The positive thinking, well-intentioned people would likely say, “you are.” If you have Fibromyalgia then you know there are days when fibro is boss. Just as sure as the sky is blue, fibro is the boss during fibro flare ups and during bad weather or during a cycle.

So I ask again, to my fellow fibromites, who is boss, you or fibro? I would like to know from fibromites who have this illness what they think about this question? Here is my answer to the question.

Let’s compare fibromyalgia to a long season sport like basketball or baseball. The season is long and it requires a lot of management from the personal player’s standpoint all the way up to the manager or coach of the team. They both are endurance games and seasons. As a coach, you know that players are going to have a bad game every so often, but you don’t bench him on that alone. You look at effort and overall contribution to the team. You cut the player some slack during a down period, and give him some special attention or training needed to get past the dry spells.

You can’t judge the season by the performance of a week here or there, you have to take it in its entirety.

So what I am getting too is the Fibromyalgia is a situation that needs to be managed as opposed to an illness to beat. Try all you want with your pharmaceuticals, diet, sleep, therapies, exercise, and positive attitude, there will be times that, in spite all of that you have done managing your chronic illness, a flare will come. It may be in a few days, a few weeks or if you’re lucky, it might not come for several months. But that flare up will come as sure as the sun rises each day, the flare up will come.

There may be times when you feel like you’re winning and there are times when you feel like you’re losing. But if you keep the managers’ mind-set in the battle against fibro, you can enjoy the good times more and pass through the bad times easier.

who_is_the_bossIt’s not easy to manage something as complex as fibromyalgia, especially if you have fibro fog. I wouldn’t say I am the best manager of the illness but I’ll tell you what I do to try and manage my illness.

I have advocated in a few of my articles the use of a journal. I am not the best example of journal writing but I have done it, I am doing it currently, and I’ve done it enough to know that it works quite well. Journaling helps you remember what your symptoms were on a given day. It reminds you what the doctor said. It reminds you about lessons learned by trying various activities.

There are a lot of things we can’t do with fibro and there are a lot of things we shouldn’t do with fibro, but everyone is different. I still want to live as much as I can so I do things, not crazy things, but I do them knowing I will pay for it in the coming days or even maybe weeks. I know I am going to be sore and sick anyway, why not have some fun on the rare chances that come my way to do something out of the boring, ordinary daily grind. I record what I did and how I paid for it. I forget a lot of things because of fibro. I try to record weather conditions and how I felt when certain weather comes along. I use my journal to keep track of certain medicines.

Journaling is fantastic emotional therapy because you can usually express yourself to a journal better than to anyone else. With a journal you can look up in the past and see what you did and how you paid for it with an increase of symptoms or you can compare weather patterns and how it affects you. Best of all, you can remember your past in as much detail as you put into your journal writing. You can also use your journal for keeping track of questions for health care professionals and their answers.

I tend to ramble on in my posts so I will wrap this one up as an introduction to how to manager Fibromyalgia. In this case using a journal is a great way to manage Fibromyalgia. There are several other ways to manage this sickening illness we know as fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Let me know by way of comments to this post what ways or what methods you use to manage your fibro.

Dealing with the question, of “who is the boss? You or fibromyalgia?” I don’t think it is a good approach to think of dealing with a chronic illness in terms of winning or losing but rather think of the battle with fibro as something to be managed.

Troy Wagstaff © Copyrighted

Look for at least three or more posts on how to manage fibro in the near future.

A Day In The Life Of Fibroman

A Day In The Life Of Fibroman

I have written several times about Fibromyalgia including a history of my 31 years finding out that I the disease. I’ve written about the bone crushing pain of fibro and other symptoms of Fibromyalgia including fibro fog. That’s what I’m going to write about fibro fog again with a story that is still happening.

Yesterday morning my laptop would not work. I didn’t have my data backed up and I couldn’t find my list of passwords to the various sites I needed and I couldn’t work on a new short story I had outlined the night before. I was in a panic.

a_day_in_the_life_fibromanI took my laptop in to get fixed. Turns out it was a hard drive issue. They said they were able to retrieve my personal data. I don’t yet have my repaired laptop so my fingers are crossed. But I did find my list of passwords today and so I was able to access WordPress and make this blog.

I had a rough day yesterday. If I would have had my list of passwords I could have used my wife’s computer and done a little writing, at least for my blog. She doesn’t have a word processor so I can’t work on my story yet. I am supposed to get my laptop back this evening. We’ll see.

The point to all this is that fibro fog is more than cognitive function and memory loss. That fog in your mind can, at least in my case, affect quick thinking and how to deal with major obstacles. My day was ruined when compared to my normal day. I was able to get some reading done and some research done for a book I’m writing. But I was really disjointed.

Ten years ago I would have been able to deal with things better and I would have probably remembered most of my passwords and this would not have been such a bad ordeal. Up until now I hadn’t realized that aspect of fibro fog and that interferes with these types of thing like switching quickly to a plan b or a plan c so to speak.

With the help of finding my password list I have been able to a least post this blog. Another issue is that with Fibromyalgia there is always something to learn about dealing with this terrible illness.