84 Possible Fibromyalgia Symptoms

84 Possible Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Of those who respect fibromyalgia as a legitimate medical condition, most of them associate chronic wide spread pain as the primary symptom. Some also recognized chronic fatigue and fibro fog as additional symptoms. But what many do not realize or appreciate about fibromyalgia is that there are more than 82 symptoms that go along with fibromyalgia, either as a primary symptom or overlapping secondary symptom.

Also consider that many of these symptoms can be unrelated to fibromyalgia and could easily be symptomatic to other types of illnesses or diseases. This list is presented as something to think about and as information you may want to talk to your doctor about.

This list of fibromyalgia symptoms are alphabetically ordered.

  1. Abdominal cramps
  2. Abdominal & Digestive Symptoms
  3. Awkwardness
  4. Bloating & nausea
  5. Bruising or scarring easily
  6. Chronic wide spread pain
  7. Clumsiness
  8. Confusion
  9. Coughing
  10. Cravings for carbohydrate and chocolate
  11. Delayed reactions to physical exertion or stressful events
  12. Depression
  13. Difficulty speaking known words, other language impairments (dysphasia)
  14. Diffuse Swelling
  15. Directional disorientation
  16. Earaches & itchy ears
  17. Fatigue
  18. Fibro Fog
  19. Fibrocystic (lumpy, tender) breasts (as an overlapping condition)
  20. Foot Stiffness
  21. Foot Pain
  22. Free-floating anxiety
  23. Frequent Chronic Sciatica nerve pain
  24. Hair loss (temporary)
  25. Headaches
  26. Hemorrhoids
  27. Hip Pain
  28. Impotence
  29. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
  30. Insomnia
  31. Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
  32. Irritable Bladder
  33. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  34. Light and/or broken sleep pattern with unrefreshing sleep
  35. Loss of libido
  36. Loss of ability to distinguish some shades of colors
  37. Migraine Headaches
  38. Mitral valve prolapse
  39. Mold & yeast sensitivity
  40. Mood swings
  41. Morning stiffness


  1. Muscle Spasms
  2. Muscle Twitches
  3. Nails that curve under
  4. Night driving difficulty
  5. Nose bleeds
  6. Other family members with fibromyalgia
  7. Pain that mimics heart attack, frequently from costochondritis
  8. Painsomnia – Insomnia directly related to pain disturbances
  9. Panic attacks
  10. Paresthesias in the upper limbs (tingling or burning sensations)
  11. Pelvic pain
  12. Pelvic Pain
  13. PMS (as an overlapping condition)
  14. Poor balance and coordination
  15. Post nasal drip
  16. Pronounced nail ridges
  17. Ringing ears (tinitis)
  18. Runny nose
  19. Sensitivity to pressure changes, temperature & humidity
  20. Sensitivity to noise
  21. Sensitivity to light
  22. Sensitivity to odors
  23. Sensory overload
  24. Sensory Symptoms
  25. Short-term memory impairment
  26. Shortness of breath
  27. Sleep starts (falling sensations)
  28. Specific tissue pain
  29. Specific muscle pain
  30. Staring into space before brain “kicks in”
  31. Stiffness caused by sitting in the same position for a prolonged period of time
  32. Sweats, usually night time
  33. Swollen Hands
  34. Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  35. Tendency to cry easily
  36. Tension Headaches
  37. Tingling Hands
  38. Tissue overgrowth (non-cancerous tumors. lipomas, ingrown hairs, cuticles, adhesions)
  39. Trouble concentrating
  40. Unaccountable irritability
  41. Unexplained weight gain
  42. Unexplained weight loss
  43. Urinary frequency
  44. Vision changes (including rapidly worsening vision)This list is for informational purposes and is not a diagnostic aid. Always consult your health care provider for any diagnosis or treatment of any of the symptoms.

11 Responses

  1. There is so much that goes on with fibromyalgia. Thank you for sharing your list at #ChronicFridayLinkup! I pinned your post to the Chronic Friday Linkup board at http://www.Pinterest.com/beingfibromom

  2. Really great information, I never knew. I have almost all. Which is scary. Im medically Retired from the Military. They never dx with fibro, It wasn’t until 1 yr 1/2. To be dx, by a civilian doc. I did notice there were a couple of repeats of symptoms listed. Is there supposed to be different?

  3. I was diagnosed 6 years ago all in all I’ve had fibro for 10 years. After reading the
    List of symptoms I have been able to connect with so many that I never knew were connected to fibro! It is a pain full stop! Never knowing what the next day will bring. Probably worst for me is not knowing why I ended up with this illness. However I will be damned if I will let it control me. Never giving into it is what keeps me going. I’m really glad I read the post thanks.

  4. 36 / 84 ? Whats the average for non-fibro?

  5. If I have 26 of those symptoms. ..is that a yes I have it…never been to a dr …living with the pain for 40years

  6. Reading that made me cry. I never thought I would read anything like that. I have each and everyone of those symptoms and go to a ton of doctors who all think I am just too much.. Thank you for posting this. I suddenly dont feel so out of place and alone.. xoxoxo

  7. It was so relieving to read these symptoms and know I don’t imagine them on a daily basis. Being diagnosed 6 years ago at age of 32 and still no further forward in managing the illness no matter what I try. Still having to work every day regardless as it’s not a “recognised” illness. Therefor can’t be signed off work. Thankyou for posting these. Reading other people comments also helps confirm we are not insane!! Good luck to all with this evil condition. Let’s hope the health system opens there eyes soon

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